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Top 10 Usenet Search Engines for 2013

Top 10 Usenet Search Engines for 2013


While Bittorrent and File-Sharing services will be used by million of users daily, there is another way to download files - Usenet network. Similar to Bittorrent there are two basic things needed to start:

Usenet client and indexing site that provides Nzb files (like .torrents, small text files that are needed for the client to start downloading). Compared to other networks Usenet is not free - you will need a Usenet provider to be able to transfer files from public severs to your PC. The main advantages of Usenet are: always highspeed downloads, already integrated SSL encryption, big choise of content divided into groups and topics, independence from available peers and rather cheap costs.

Below is the list of best Usenet search engines that provide easy and convenient Nzb search:

1. UsenetHub
Unique site that is created as browser for Usenet. It indexes all newsgroups for images and videos and creates easy Usenet search. All Nzbs will be verified before they appear on the site. This leads to the pure quality of the resource with a big collection of files without fakes, password protected, virus infected or incomplete archives. You can also navigate in fast and easy way through different tags, categories and groups.

2. Binsearch
Binsearch is one of the oldest classical search engines for Usenet binaries. The site indexes Nzb files from more than 2000 news groups and provides fast binary search. Be aware that Nzbs are not verified, so be careful before you download something.

3. NZBFriends
NZBFriends works in the similar way as Binsearch. The site indexes about 2100 binary newsgroups for binary attachments and has about 8 million Nzbs in their database. With NZBFriends you will be able to find any file that ever appeared in Usenet with 1000 days retention. The source doesn't verify files.

4. NZBid 
NZBid is a Usenet indexer that is created in form of a catalog. All received Nzb files will be sorted into categories like music, software, games, movies and others. Every release will be fulfilled with detailed information taken from open databases like IMDB, TrackTV, AnimeDB, Amazon and others.

5. NZBindex
NZBindex is a classic Usenet search engine like Binsearch or NZBFriends and works in the similar way. The main advantage of this service is that it checks if the content of every Nzb is complete or not and shows warning if some parts are missing. Also it highlights password protected archives to warn the users before they download it.

6. NZBClub 
NZBClub is a search engine for Usenet binaries with password protection check. The site provides a good quality of indexed files and offers RSS feed for every newsgroup. NZBClub also provides SSL encrypted search.

7. FindNZB
FindNZB is an indexer that is about 3 years on the market. It indexes about 2000 newsgroups with 900 days retention and provides easy Nzb search. FindNZB only checks password protected archives and doesn't verify
it's quality. You download on own risk.

NZBSearch works similar to NZBClub and can be another alternative for you to search for Nzb files. The site has very nice navigation: you can get better search results by managing of filters on the left side of the site.

9. is another one Usenet catalog-indexer that indexes about 3000 newsgroups with 800 days retention. The site has very easy and intuitive interface - looks like Google's search results. The search results will be shown in few seconds.

10. Google Groups
Not to forget is Google Groups search that can be also used for finding files in Usenet network. Beside normal Nzb search Google offers also a possibility to take part in Usenet discussion forums and exchange information.

As many of you know Usenet was a text only network first. So if you wish to share your any topic related opinion then Google Groups is the right place for you.


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